Whether you are currently ill, recovering from illness or are simply looking to improve your overall health, keeping your mind active and occupied is often something prescribed to you by family and friends. More often than not, however, this is easier said than done. If you tire easily you don't want to be surrounded by well meaning visitors all day with their lively chit chat, and no one should have to rely on the television for company 24/7. Those who are looking for a satisfying outlet to keep their minds and hands active could do a lot worse than having a go at some crafts.
All activities that require a degree of concentration can strengthen mental focus, and help the time pass more quickly. Crafting also has the extra benefit though of providing a handmade, cherishable item once you are finished! Anyone who is recuperating from illness will tell you how the time drags by, but if you are engaged and enjoying an activity as engrossing as cross stitch or tapestry, it is quite the reverse. This is where crafts come into their own as you can pick them up and put them down at will without any worries, unlike fighting to stay awake to see the end of a TV programme.
It doesn’t matter whether you have tried your hand at crafts before. At Past Impressions, we have a range of cross stitch kits and other needlework projects to suit everyone from absolute beginners to competent craftspeople. There are only so many crossword puzzles you can do before you feel like throwing the book across the room, so why not turn that focus into something positive and see what you can create?
We’ve got all the best loved crafts to help with your speedy recovery, such as cross stitch kits and knitting as well as some of the more contemporary crafts which are hugely popular right now. This isn’t health advice just for 'old folk' either; the biggest market for craft kit sales at the moment are 24 – 40 year olds who are looking to accomplish more than catching up on soaps when they’re confined to the covers.
Anything that brings positivity and a feeling of self worth into your life is conducive to your general well being and crafts tick both of these boxes and many, many more. Don't presume you will be no good at it either simply because you don't think of yourself as being artistic. Anchor’s beginners cross stitch kits make it incredibly easy for those making their first foray into the world of crafts, and once you have the mastered the art (something that comes more quickly than you think), you can challenge yourself with more difficult projects.
In short, discovering the world of crafts and all that it has to offer can improve your health in different ways to that of prescribed medications. It is also greatly therapeutic for those who live their lives at a million miles an hour and have problems winding down and sleeping at night. There isn’t anyone who doesn't benefit from trying their hands at crafts, but we must warn you there is a strong chance you may become addicted to it!
For more cross stitch, needlework and crafting lifestyle advice, keep an eye on the Past Impressions Facebook page, Twitter and Google+. If you’re looking for a place to share your work, don’t forget to stop by our Cross Stitch Community to get some expert feedback and inspiration for your next project!