
When you're not working 9-5, you're stuck in traffic, dashing off to an event or stressing over your home and work life. Our lives are so hectic nowadays that we barely get a moment to stop, and take a moment to appreciate what is around us. Instead of focusing on the good bits, we're so wound up to live our lives to the fullest. Not forgetting that our lives are becoming more 'online' by the second, when was the last time you had a lunch break without checking your phone? Probably never. Because of how our lives have evolved we've seen a huge rise in anxiety and other mental illnesses over the last few years, and although medication can help to target those symptoms, it's time to look at the root cause of the problem and prevent it from happening, which leads us to Mindfulness...

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a mental state that can be achieved by focusing on the present moment, whilst calming and acknowledging your feelings, thoughts and sensations. Mindfulness can be achieved in a number of ways to focus the mind and relax, with meditation being the top choice. Renown for its calming effects and the ability to shut everything out, embroidery has and is continuing to grow in popularity to achieve mindfulness, and to relax and escape the stresses of daily life.

Mental Benefits

Not only is embroidery a growing trend, Autumn/Winter 2016 is HUGE for embroidered clothing, shoes & bags, it carries a wealth of mental benefits to help achieve a self-induced state of focusing, otherwise known as mindfulness. Director of the Monash Clinical Psychology Centre at Monash University says that 'embroidery has also been shown to lower blood pressure, and as people achieve small successes – getting a difficult stitch right and creating something beautiful – their perceived level of confidence rises'. We always knew there was something special about embroidery!

Dr Marlies Alvarenga also said that 'embroidery stimulates the brain's right hemisphere, which is associated with creativity'.  Not only can it help you battle a series of mental illnesses, it keeps you in touch with your creative side to continually engage the brain and achieve a relaxed state of mind and body.

Where Can I Start?

Mindfulness is the main focus of the ever popular Zenbroidery and Zendoodle trend that has sweeped the nation this year. Like any craft, focusing on a simple task helps people to concentrate and replace any negative thoughts, whilst creating that elusive feeling of calm. These kits really will help to shut out any thoughts and focus on the present as Zenbroidery kits allow you to choose your own colours and stitching techniques as there is no pattern to follow, so you can relax and create your own masterpiece without worrying about whether you've used the wrong coloured thread or missed a stitch. It probably is one of the best forms of 'embroidery' that can help to bring calm to anyone's life.


The best thing about Zenbroidery kits is that anyone can give them a go, no level of skill is required to start them.  They're a similar activity to adult colouring books that create a repetitive motion that focuses the mind and blocks out intrusive thoughts. The Zenbroidery kits are the next step up, which challenge you to be a bit more creative, they make fantastic presents for Birthday's, Christmas or for those times when you just need a gentle 'pick me up'. We recommend switching your phones and TV's off an hour before bed and getting stuck into some Zenbroidery, this allows you to switch your brain off in time for bed, hopefully leading to a more restful sleep! We know that it's easier said than done, but gently weaning yourself off your phone will do you the world of good!

Don't forget to check out our full range of Zenbroidery and embroidery kits to help you get that much needed rescue from hectic everyday life! Look out for our future posts over on our Facebook Page,Twitter and over at Google+

Post By Nicole Sage
