Easy Cupcake Cross Stitch

Beginner cross stitch kits have some similar characteristics to look out for: large grid pattern, somewhat stiff fabric, fewer colours of embroidery floss, fairly small in size, easy to follow instructions and chart.  Let’s look at each of these characteristics:


Large Grid & Stiff Fabric:

The purpose of this is so you can see the holes more easily and concentrate more on the stitches rather than whether or not you’ve stitched the correct hole.


Fewer Colours of Embroidery Floss:

Fewer colours usually indicate that a kit is more straightforward and easy to follow.  Beginner cross stitch kits will usually consist of large blocks of each colour, which allows you to work on one colour at a time without needing to “carry” the thread across the back too often. Again, you can think about your stitches more than switching colours and losing count.  Similarly, beginner kits are usually a lower count fabric, for example 14 Count White Aida.

Small Size:

Beginning with a smaller kit is great because it means you can finish the project, pat yourself on the back and have something to show for your efforts.  You’re less likely to get bored and frustrated than you might if you attempted a project above your abilities.  As you become more proficient at cross stitch, you will be able to tackle more complex projects, knowing that the finished product will be worth the increase in time and effort.

Easy Instructions and Chart:

Well, duh! If you can’t read the graph easily, you will become discouraged and quit. We want you to keep going and get addicted to this just like the rest of us!

There is an additional important feature to consider when embarking in the world of cross stitch – the subject needs to be something you really want to do, something that interests you personally and speaks to you.  To put the time and effort in to any piece, it’s best if you have an affinity for it and enjoy watching the piece come together before your very eyes.


Owl Cross Stitch
Zoe Owl Cross Stitch Kit

This post was written by Suzanne Silverling.

Suzanne is a member of our growing Cross Stitch Community on Google+, which now has over 130 members sharing brilliant advice, tips and photos of their own projects to inspire each other. Sign up to Google+ to join in or find us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Post By Rebecca
