Your cross stitch design is finally finished and it looks great, but it looks like it's missing something. But what could you possibly do next when the only supplies to hand with your kit are the threads and the standard chart? Just because it's a cross stitch kit, you can branch out and add some touches from your other favourite needle craft hobbies to the chart too, such as embroidery. With limited instructions about how you can transform your cross stitch into something a bit different, we have put together some simple instructions on how you can add beads to any cross stitch designs that you're working on. We promise you'll never look at cross stitch in the same way again!
Adding beads or even sequins to a cross stitch design is the perfect last step in the completion of your project. It's a relatively straight forward process once you have the correct tools. When attaching beads we would recommend using a specific beading needle, but a size 28 tapestry needle may also work well. Choosing the right needle from the start will make the whole process a lot easier, nothing is as stressful as continually getting your beads stuck on your needle!
Equipment You Will Need:
Now you know how simple it is to attach beads to a cross stitch project, it's time to explore all of the different ways that you can incorporate them into your finished designs. Here are some of our favourite ideas: